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Adopted Dogs - Fall 2019

Speedy – An eight-year old Italian Greyhound in NJ

Speedy, an Italian Greyhound

Due to illness, Speedy’s owner does not, very unfortunately, feel that she is going to be in the position to care for him and, therefore, Speedy is in need of a new home. Speedy is healthy, but had acute lameness in his hind-end with a presumed diagnosis of meningomyelitis most likely caused by a spinal infarction (MRI done) at the end of 2017 and, although he can run and play and handle a few steps, he healed with an ankylosed spine  (curvature of his spine to the right, basically scoliosis as viewed on x-rays, with no degenerative remodeling or IV disc disease). It is therefore recommended that Speedy not jump or do full sets of stairs – he is not in pain and is not on any medication. He also has some muscle atrophy in his hind-end which exercise would be beneficial for.


Speedy is described by his current owner as a very sweet, gentle dog who tends to prefer a quiet environment – he does not like “chaos and loud noise.” A home without young children is requested, although he is good with people, including children.  Accustomed to living with another Italian Greyhound, Speedy would do fine in a home with another small

dog. Since he currently has a fenced yard which he enjoys running in, a fenced yard in his new home would be ideal. In addition, his current owner worked from home and is currently home except for medical treatment, so a home where Speedy is not left for long work hours is requested.

Speedy, an Italian Greyhound, in the sun

Eight-years old and weighing 11.5 pounds, Speedy is not a highly active dog, but does enjoy running in an enclosed area, being outside, and going for walks. He’s not a fan of most toys, but loves to chew and tear paper apart, likes to de-stuff plush toys, and will play with some plastic/rubber toys. He loves sitting and being with his person (or people), enjoys car rides, is good on-leash (very little pulling), doesn’t tend to bark much (when he is hungry or wants to go outside to potty), and is crate trained, although his owner uses an exercise pen or kitchen, dining area, and hallway when he needs to be left alone (he can be destructive with shoes, throw pillows and paper items when left alone and the owner, therefore, limits his space). He cannot get onto furniture such as sofas by himself, but needs to be supervised if sitting with someone so that he does not jump off and hurt himself.  Speedy has previously lived with cats.


Speedy is house trained to potty outside and to use doggy pee pads and has very few accidents – only if he is not taken out or his request to go out is missed.


He has spent a few days, both previously and more recently, at his primary veterinarian facility (for veterinarian procedures) and his veterinarian has indicated that Speedy is a very happy, outgoing, dog who loves to run around and enjoy himself, and that the curvature of Speedy’s spine does not impact his enjoyment and quality of life.


In 2017, Speedy had a mast cell tumor removed (grade 1 with clean margins) and an echo-cardiogram done (stage B1 heart murmur), with a second echo-cardiogram done in 2019 (stage B1). He has also had two dental cleanings, with some extractions - in 2017 and 2019.

If you might be interested in providing Speedy with his new home and can accommodate his jumping/stair restrictions, please contact Italian Greyhound Place.

Speedy, an Italian Greyhound, in the grass

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Speedy to an absolutely wonderful couple who seemed right for him from the woman’s first email to Italian Greyhound Place, through the pre-meeting/adoption correspondence/discussion, and through the meeting and adoption of Speedy. Speedy’s new people are breed experienced, having adopted an Italian Greyhound who was nine-years old with physical limitations due to degenerative joint disease. When their Italian Greyhound passed away, she “left a big hole in their hearts and home” and the woman indicated, “We’ve been casually searching for a new companion for some months now, but haven’t found a pup that felt right until Speedy. Hopefully you feel we are a good match, too!” The answer: “Yes!” Speedy is getting lots of love, attention, and activities to enjoy, including walks, puzzle toys, and playing fetch; his new yard has a perfect mix of sun and shade; he has feline companions (he previously lived with cats); and he gets to go to work with one of his new people each work day. A huge thanks to Speedy’s adopters for providing him with a fantastic new home. Speedy was adopted on November 2, 2019.

Baci – An eight-year old Italian Greyhound in South Carolina 

Baci’s owners are in their eighties and have made the difficult decision that their beautiful girl, who is well-cared for and very loved, should be in a home where she can have a more active lifestyle.


Eight-years old and weighing ten pounds, Baci is a sweet, affectionate Italian Greyhound who loves to be with her people – cuddling or being nearby them. She is also social with people in general and enjoys interacting with them – she is not timid when meeting new individuals. Although Baci has not really been around children, she did interact nicely and play with a middle-aged child. There are not many dogs in Baci’s community, but she is friendly with another small dog and would do fine as the only dog in a new home or with a small, canine companion. A home without cats is requested.

Baci, an eight-year old Italian Greyhound
Baci, an Italian Greyhound, wearing a hat

Baci is house trained to potty outside and also uses doggy pee pads. However, as with many Italian Greyhounds, she does have accidents so an adopter needs to be accepting of, and patient with, potty mishaps. When left alone, Baci stays in the laundry room – she does not like to be crated and tends to potty in it. She rarely barks – sometimes when playing with someone and when she uses the pee pad (in order to receive praise and a treat!). Car rides are one of her favorite things. She also loves to jump on, kick, and move throw cushions around :-)


This little one does not pull when walking, but her enjoyment of walks seems to vary; sometimes she loves them and sometimes she stops and stands still – she does seem to prefer soft surfaces such as grass over pavement though and does best when the leash is kept rather short. An adopter with patience regarding walks – determining what Baci likes and working with her to increase her overall enjoyment of them is desired.

Since Baci is accustomed to having her people primarily home with her, an adoptive home with someone home more than not is requested; and, of course, lots of love and attention, with a nice balance of activity and enrichment.


If you are interested in providing Baci with her new home, please contact Italian Greyhound Place. (Listed 10/10/19)


Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Baci to a wonderful breed (and dog) experienced woman (previous Italian Greyhounds and a current Italian Greyhound). The woman's Chihuahua recently passed away and her Italian Greyhound, and, of course, the woman, were missing him. Baci seemed like the perfect canine companion for her Italian Greyhound and when the dogs met, that was confirmed. Baci's new person is retired so Baci has lots of human companionship; a resident canine friend, which is new to her; walks to enjoy; and a patio area to lounge and play in. Thanks to Baci's adopter for providing her with a fantastic, new home! Baci was adopted on 10/28/19.

Baci, an Italian Greyhound
Baci, an Italian Greyhound
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