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Adopted Dogs - Spring 2010

Lily - A three-year old Italian Greyhound in MO

An Italian Greyhound for adoption

 Lily is a sweet, but nervous Italian Greyhound in need of a loving and patient home. Although it takes her a while to warm up to someone, once she does, she is an out-standing lap dog! She is also a bit of a hunter, having caught mice and baby bunnies. She is not accustomed to leash walking and currently dislikes it. Although there are two young children in Lily's home, she is somewhat afraid of them, and keeps her distance. Lily is housetrained; she goes outside in a fenced in area and, when in an enclosed exercise pen, on newspapers. She is not a fan of snow, and will have occasional accidents in the winter. If left free in the house (not in an exercise pen), she will also tend to have accidents. Pee pad (or litter box) training might alleviate both of these situations. Lily is a little girl, weighing in at approximately eight pounds, and will turn four on March 8, 2011. Please contact Italian Greyhound Place if you might be interested in providing lots of love and attention to Lily. (Listed here 6/4/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Lily to an experienced Italian Greyhound owner in KS, where she will have a wonderful human companion as well as the friendship of another Italian Greyhound. Lily was adopted on 6/16/10!

Icarus - A young Italian Greyhound in AZ

Italian Greyhound in AZ for adoption

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have facilitated and arranged the adoption of this sweet Italian Greyhound from an animal shelter in AZ. The gentleman at the shelter was wonderful to work with, and thanks to his concern for Icarus, and the willingness and eagerness of a  caring woman to provide Icarus with a loving, forever home, Icarus quickly found himself safe and sound in his forever home! Icarus was adopted on 6/8/10!

Kody - A four-year old puppy mill Italian Greyhound in MO

Italian Greyhound rescued from puppy mill for adoption

Would you like to share this little fellow's wonderment at what the world contains beyond a crate? He is demonstrating great resiliency by approaching people in a friendly manner and showing inquisitiveness. His birth date is on June 25th, and he would love to have a new home with his forever people! If you are interested in this approximately eight pound guy, have the patience to guide him, and would like to renew your own curiosity and pleasure in the world around you, please contact Italian Greyhound Place. Kody is up-to-date with veterinary care.  (Listed here 4/28/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Kody, something that would not have happened without the time and effort of the caring woman who rescued him from a puppy mill, and the wonderful woman who adopted him from his photograph. Kody is with his new family, both human and canine, where he is experiencing how good life can be - a life he didn't know existed a few months ago! Kody arrived at his new home in NJ on 6/2/10!

Tony - A young Italian Greyhound / Miniature Pinscher mix in KS

Italian Greyhound mix needs new home

Tony is a gorgeous brown colored, eleven pound, Italian Greyhound mix. At only sixteen-months old, he found himself at a shelter after being surrendered to a vet clinic. He is a bit of an escape artist - able to climb chain link fences (he doesn't climb if you are with him on the same side of the fence). The shelter staff have found him very shy when meeting new people, but with slow movements and gentleness, he begins to warm up. He showed an inclination to be a fear biter, but has not broken any skin and the shelter has several people working with him to help him along.  Once he knows someone, he likes to be petted and make himself comfortable in an available lap. Tony is fine with other dogs, is leash trained, and is currently being crate trained. Tony is in need of a forever home. If you cannot adopt at this time, Tony would like a foster home while his forever home is being found. Please contact Italian Greyhound Place if you are interested in helping this little boy.  (Listed here 3/6/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Tony from a Kansas Shelter to a wonderful home in Kansas. I was so happy when the shelter director called and said, "It's a wonderful match!" Tony is already snuggling under blankets and enjoying the good life! Tony was adopted on 5/26/10!

Brody- A twelve-week old, male Italian Greyhound puppy in OH

Italian Greyhound puppy for adoption

This adorable little puppy needs a new home at the young age of twelve weeks (his birth date is February 15, 2010). He is very energetic and loves to run - a home with a safely fenced yard and/or a person that would love to walk and play with him would be best. When his energy his spent, he loves to show his lap dog side and cuddle up on someone's lap. He doesn't like to be left alone (he's only eleven weeks, so you can't blame him!) and loves being around people. He is good with dogs, cats, and even young children - his current home has four children under five-years of age. Since Italian Greyhounds are a toy breed, with long, fairly thin legs, special caution needs to be taken around young children to avoid injury to their legs. Therefore, this breed and young children are not always the best combination. If you would like to provide a forever home to a small bundle of energy, please contact Italian Greyhound Place. (Listed here 5/9/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Brody to a wonderful home in Ohio, where he will have the companionship of loving humans, involved in exotic animal rescue, and two other canines, one a young Italian Greyhound. Brody was adopted on 5/12/10!

Cooper - A six-year old Italian Greyhound in NV

Italian Greyhound available for adoption

Cooper is a male Italian Greyhound, weighing in at just under twelve pounds. He is six-years old, but the current owner does not know his birth date; she obtained Cooper from someone else. If a large dog is encountered while Cooper is being walked, he tends to  get riled up and acts dominant to the larger dog; his current owner lifts him up and he settles down. (I would recommend de-sensitizing him to large dogs). Cooper travels fine in the car, but he will cry some. His current owner said that he is a good, little watchdog, alerting her when he hears something. Cooper has an average activity level, relaxing when not much is going on and, when his owner is home, sticking by her. He enjoys going for walks and being outside. He has not been around children. Cooper will need some assistance with his housetraining; he still has some accidents and does some marking. (I would recommend housetraining him as if he were puppy).  His owner feels that Cooper would benefit from having someone that can provide him with more attention than she is able to give him. Please contact Italian Greyhound Place if you might be interested in this little boy. (Listed here 4/14/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Cooper to a loving family in NV where he is getting lots of attention and even has a human with him during work hours. Cooper was adopted on 4/25/10!

Tony- A three-year old Italian Greyhound in PA

Tony, an Italian Greyhound, for adoption

This handsome boy is a snuggler, loves all the attention that he can get, and would love a home where someone can be with him a good deal of the time. Tony is housetrained and prefers being walked to going outside in a fenced yard; he will let you know when he has to go "potty." Since Tony travels well in a car, he would be pleased to accompany you on road trips. Tony is not too active, preferring to loaf around and spend quiet days with his human. He weighs fifteen pounds, will turn four in July, is up-to-date on veterinary care, and is micro-chipped. Tony is crate trained and will go into his crate without resistance. However, he will take any opportunity to break-out of it. Unfortunately, he is currently recuperating from a recent escape. Apparently, one wall of his metal crate had loosened, and Tony took the initiative to exit. This resulted in wounds that required stitching and drainage; he is on the way to recovery, but, if crated, Tony requires a sturdy and secure, metal crate (he has broken out of a plastic one in the past). Would you like to be Tony's person? Please contact Italian Greyhound Place for more photographs and information about Tony. (Listed here on 4/1/10)  

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Tony to a wonderful family in MD where he will have lots of loving companionship! Tony was adopted on 4/17/10!

Makani - A seven-year old Italian Greyhound in NV

Italian Greyhound in NV needs adopter

This little girl's name is Makani which means "the wind" in Hawaiian. Unfortunately for Makani, her family is re-locating to Hawaii and decided not to bring her due to Hawaii's dog importation rules. She needs a home as soon as possible. Seven-years old this past November 15th, Makani is housetrained (she currently uses a doggie door, but could be switched to "going" during walks or using a litter box), and walks very well on a leash. She is good with small dogs, not too fond of large dogs, and is good with children - the current owner has a teenager and a newborn. According to the owner, Makani is "very lazy," and will gladly relax all day. She is very quiet and loves to be petted and rubbed. Makani travels well in the car and would love to be placed in a home with another small dog. Please contact Italian Greyhound Place for more information about Makani. Acting quickly is important for this girl! (Listed here 4/13/10)

Italian Greyhound Place is please to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Makani to a welcoming family in Nevada where she has another small dog for a playmate! Makani was adopted on 4/16/10!

Zoey and Jake - Four-year old Italian Greyhounds in FL

Bonded Italian Greyhounds need new home together

These two Italian Greyhounds, located in Tampa, Florida, need a new home as soon as possible. Zoey and Jake are loved very much, but their owner's one-year old baby has been sick for several months and has been diagnosed as having an allergy to the dogs. Since Zoey and Jake enjoy each others company, we would like to see them placed together. They are housetrained, crate trained, up-to-date with veterinary care, neutered, and love to go on walks. They are sweet and cuddly, will run and play with each other, but would not be considered "hyper" dogs. They are not barkers, but will let you know if someone is at the door. Can you help these two little ones out? Please contact Italian Greyhound Place for more information about Zoey and Jake. (Listed here on 3/23/10)  


Italian Greyhound Place is happy to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Zoey and Jake to a terrific home in Florida where they have two other Italian Greyhounds to play with! Zoey and Jake were adopted on 4/6/10!

Zoey - A seventeen-month old Italian Greyhound in KS

Italian Greyhound in KS for adoption

Zoey's behavior has greatly improved! Since the original information was posted, Zoey has been going to doggy daycare and playing with the other dogs. Since getting enough exercise and stimulation, Zoey has been fine when crated, and has not had accidents or been destructive. If you are considering Zoey, she would not need to continue going to daycare, but would benefit from both exercise and stimulation i.e. walks, running in a safely enclosed area, obedience or other training. Original Post: Zoey's journey began in a puppy mill, continued in a shelter, brought her to her first home when adopted, and now finds her in her second adoptive home.  Somewhere on this journey, Zoey developed separation anxiety. Her current owner is now working more hours, leaving less time for Zoey, and is also finding it difficult to take care of her financially due to the economy.  That leaves Zoey in need of a very special person that can be home with her or take her to work. Zoey is housetrained when someone is with her, but not when left alone. When left alone, she also tends to be destructive. Due to her past, crate training does not work for Zoey. Litter box training and an exercise pen could possibly be a good choice for Zoey, along with desensitizing her to being alone. Zoey is healthy, up-to-date on veterinary care and spayed. She is good with dogs, cats, and people; has a strong prey drive (catching two squirrels and one chipmunk on her current owner's patio); and seems to adjust her activity level to her surroundings; is active if there is something going on, otherwise she relaxes. Please contact Italian Greyhound Place if you would like more information on Zoey or are interested in providing her with a loving, forever home. An adoption fee applies. (Listed here 3/14/10)        

Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of Zoey to a wonderful home in Kansas where she will get lots of love and attention. Adopted 4/6/10!

Remmy - An eight-month old beautiful mix in PA

Small mixed breed for adoption

Italian Greyhound Place contacted a prospective adopter about Remmy and the adoption went through in days.


Italian Greyhound placed is pleased to have arranged and facilitated the adoption of twelve-pound Remmy to a fantastic home in NJ where his new owner is enjoying Remmy's sweetness. Remmy was adopted on 4/3/10! 

Max- An eight-month old Italian Greyhound in Ohio

Young Italian Greyhound for adoption

This little boy loves people. In fact, that is why he needs a new home – his current owners both work long hours and cannot give him the attention that they feel he deserves. Max is housetrained (outside); is very good on his leash; loves other animals, including cats; and, although he doesn’t like being left for long periods of time, is crate trained. He is an active, bouncy, happy Italian Greyhound. So, if you are looking for loving and active, and have time to spend with Max, please consider giving him a forever home. He is currently in Franklin Furnace, Ohio with his owners. Max is available to non-local adopters, but will not be shipped. Up-to-date on veterinarian care, Max is healthy. An adoption fee applies. Max’s supplies come with him – crate, toys, collar, leash, and food. If you would like more information about Max or have questions for his owners, please contact Italian Greyhound Place! (Listed here 3/1/10)   


Italian Greyhound Place is pleased to have arranged and facilitated Max's adoption to a wonderful couple in Ohio. Max was adopted on 3/13/10! adoption of Zoey to a wonderful home where she will get lots of love and attention. Adopted 4/6/10!

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